arus irminger bahasa Inggris
- arus: current; stream; charge; movement; ocean current;
- laut irminger: irminger sea
- arus: current; stream; charge; movement; ocean current; motion; trend; line; move; run; course of action; course; tide; electric current; feed; flow; flow of air; air flow; airflow
- The Irminger Current is part of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre.
Arus Irminger merupakan bagian dari girus subkutub Atlantik Utara. - F.O. Kapel noted a correlation between appearances west of Greenland and the incursion of relatively warm waters from the Irminger Current into that area.
F.O. Kapel menyadari hubungan antara kemunculan paus sei di sebelah barat Greenland dan masuknya air yang relatif hangat dari arus Irminger.